Can they make a Men Meet World? Cause I would watch it every day just to see their attractive faces.
So anyways...
I'am growing more and more addicted to Pinterest. But I'm okay with that. And dub step. One of those guilty pleasures I suppose.
Why do my blogs suck? I need to take up a hobby. But its hard to get crafty with a 2 year old running around and wanting to eat the glue and gitter. I tried knitting, but I wasn't that great and I kept screwing up everything I knitted. HALP ME!
I was watching The Walking Dead not long ago, and is it just me or has it really gone downhill since last season? I absolutely love zombies and every movie that involves them. But I can NOT seem to get into that show. Maybe its the fact that I haven't seen anyone get their arm or head ripped off in like 5 episodes.

Allright Im done. I have to work at an ungodly hour tomorrow morning. I need to think of better blog ideas. I promise, they will get better eventually.
one of these times when i come down or if you come visit me, we need to have a boy meets world marathon together.