BEFORE (Horrible picture quality, I apologize.)
I painted the cardboard black. Waited for that to dry and then ripped duct tape to make the letters. Once I was done I painted around the letters in a lighter green. And then of course splattered it with the pink. Way fun. =]
I was pleased with the outcome. Its a quote from the movie Flight Club, which was mine and Meagans all the FAVORITE movie. So YAY! Happy Birthday!
I bought a couple other things too which I'm planning on painting at some point.
Cant wait to paint the first one. I plan on using it for my jewelry or just saving it and giving it to someone at some point. It would be pretty cute, and I should have taken it in color because its an ungodly gross ugly orange, blue and some other odd colors that just make it very unappealing.
That's all for now.
for some reason can't see the pictures on this post, but luckily i know what it looks like, as it is currently hanging on my wall! thank you :)