BEFORE (Horrible picture quality, I apologize.)
I painted the cardboard black. Waited for that to dry and then ripped duct tape to make the letters. Once I was done I painted around the letters in a lighter green. And then of course splattered it with the pink. Way fun. =]
I was pleased with the outcome. Its a quote from the movie Flight Club, which was mine and Meagans all the FAVORITE movie. So YAY! Happy Birthday!
I bought a couple other things too which I'm planning on painting at some point.
Cant wait to paint the first one. I plan on using it for my jewelry or just saving it and giving it to someone at some point. It would be pretty cute, and I should have taken it in color because its an ungodly gross ugly orange, blue and some other odd colors that just make it very unappealing.
That's all for now.